
Best Practices: Lallemand Sour Solutions
Strain selection for sour beer production is a growing challenge as brewers are faced with a greater variety of strains than ever before. Lactic acid bacteria can be used for kettle and fermenter souring practices to provide depth of flavour...
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Red & Amber Beer Styles
A Reconsideration of Red & Ambers In the simpler times of brewing, pre-and-early North American craft beer boom, referring to a beer by its colour was standard practice. A practice that continues to this day that I want to dig...
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Recipes of Red and Ambers
OAT AMBER ALE - REDOATALE The Goal: Brew a unique beer that won’t fit into any beer style but will be delicious. This recipe is the amalgamation of the best things of an oatmeal stout, an Irish Red Ale and...
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